Trampoline Parks > Dodgeball

Dodgeball court

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Play "Ultimate Dodgeball" on trampolines. Fun, fitness and sport combined!


Full Description

Trampoline parks from Continental Sports LtdA standard feature in most trampoline parks is a dodgeball court - often referred to as "Ultimate Dodgeball" when dodgeball is combined with trampolines. Normally comprised of a perimeter of angled trampolines with 16 square trampolines and a long strip down the middle of the court. Play starts with the balls on the long strip. Participants grab the balls and retreat to their side of the court and try to hit their opponents to get them out of the game.

The actual design and layout of the dodgeball court can be modified to suit your facility.

We generally recommend a dodgeball court is essential as it is a multi-use space:

  • A fun additional activity in a trampoline park
  • Team activity used to encourage repeat visits
  • Can be cordoned off for private hire or parties
  • Useful area for fitness classes
  • Provides a safe area for toddlers activites at quiet times

In addition to dodgeball, Continental has innovated in this area to provide alternative activities to ensure the dodgeball court is a vital element in your park. We include:

  • Removable volleyball posts and net - drop the posts in holes in the ground, attach the net and play trampoline volleyball
  • Retractable punchbags - roof mounted electrically winched punchbags can be lowered from the roof, clipped to the frame and are perfect for bouncing boxercise
  • Waterpolo goals - we can install padded low-rise goals at high level as targets for participants to "score" agains the other team
  • Dodge-attack - a digital interactive set of targets to turn dodgeball on its head - try to get your body in the way of your opponents shots to stop them hitting the targets and scoring points