Gymnastics > Floor (artistic & rhythmic)

Competition gymnastics AirFloor

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Competition artistic gymnastics AirFloor. 14mx14m. Great for cheerleading!

Price from: £19,616.00
Price from: £19,616.00

Full Description

The Competition AirFloor provides a competition size gymnastics sprung floor 14m x 14m

The floor comprises 7 AirFloor inflatable track sections each measuring 14m x 2m that are fastened together. On top of that sprung base are 7 rolls of Tribond carpet bonded foam with each roll measuring 14m x 2m.

Together this construction provides a competition sprung artistic gymnastics floor that is ideal for facilities that share space so the floor needs to be set up and removed quickly.

If you already have a 14m x 14m area of Tribond carpet bonded foam, the AirFloor sub-base is available without the Tribond.

The Tribond is supplied with 6 lengths of matching VELCRO® fasteners and a contrasting 14m x 14m VELCRO® fastener border to show the perimeter of the working area (12m x 12m)